Thursday, October 8, 2009

"wake up from sleeping"

dah lame sgt tak wrote down new story at here...after raye..balik dr holiday kat langkawi routine hdp serba tak kene..i dont know wat happened to me..."wake up hidayah!!". "be proactive n study a lot about e-commerce.." tula yang bos ak ckp kene brainstorming...every details die tanye pasal existing e-commerce system...ak pun satu.... lurus bendul..cuba la cari another system selain EBAY, pun tak dpt nak jawab per die tanye pasal n panduan701...ak tngk die cam bagi bad impression tp die still cool lg..kalo la org yg jenis hot tempered..msti ak dah kn marah gak die jenis yg bkn cmtu..colleague kat situ kate die baek n lembut hati..hmmm ak tngk pun die mmg very tolerate n understanding..untung sape dpt die...respect la kat die..even byk gler keje die tp terlalu byk knowlegde die turun kan kat ak contohnye cmner nak manage mase wisely..hmm how to list down a main point to make it more presentable..selame 2 jam kite org dukkat meeting room discuss semue tue..actually nak discuss our scope regarding e-commerce system dat our company will have..actually upgrade the content to make it more interesting n interact a new merchant to join us..hmmm after the brainstorming finished..ak dpt new spirit n terjage dr tdo bahasenye thinking is the most imprtant rather than technical..becouce he said i more focus on technical please balance between thinking skill n technical..from wat he said i'm wake from sleep..hehhe..nway..he always make me motivated..thanks to lawrence..

hmmm tula story rini yg akan ingat smpai bler2....n i'll bring it even i would move from MyKRIS..:-)

continue to next story.